June 18, 2009

yes she's the big....

Four Months Old

my you're getting so big...but so dang fun!

Ivy pictures...

I'll be taking more pictures this week of my sweetheart...but I had to snap some at this beautiful secret locale with a perfect little bench fit for a child...too bad Charly isn't totally sitting up by herself yet! Also too bad she was grouchy and would move every time I took a shot! Wish me better luck later this week!

June 3, 2009

what charly does now...

yeah, i know, i only blog about our little sweetie....but who cares....i'm with her all day, she's cute, and that's all that's exciting in my life! so deal with it!she looks adorable in green!
half the time she won't even look at me because she's glued to the tv!she loves to hold her own bottle...she thinks she's in control but she totally isn't!she's learning how to eat cereal...it's taking awhile!she's loving her bumbo and is such a happy girl!and she's going to be a basketball player! she can palm this eater egg like nobody's business!

And lastly just a funny little side note...i busted my mail man peeing in our bushes yesterday! so pretty much wash your hands after you get the mail!