yesterday my baby turned ONE! it's weird, she still seems the same to me, not one, but just Charly. but now because of yesterday I have to say she's one. what a drag...but she had a very fun day! Here's a recap....
Monday (one day prior)How fun to wake up barfing all morning the day before your birthday! how convenient for your mom who instead of getting everything ready, was cleaning up throw up all over the house! good thing it stopped after taking some serious long naps!
Tuesday (the big day)You woke up at 8:30, i brought the video camera in to show you on your birthday morning, oh wait the battery was dead! glad i checked before your party!
You had pancakes, some plain and some with blueberries, your favorite!
After not taking a morning nap you grew grumpy! Dad came home, grandma came over to help with the frosting for your cake. you ate lunch, had a bottle and went night night! for only one hour! why is it that on the days when you need a nap, you won't take one!
Five thirty rolls around and your party guests show up. you have presents galore! is it Christmas all over again? looks like it! we open (we meaning everyone else, you helped a little) your presents, you care more about the ribbons and your shoes.
Time for cake. we sang, mom blew out your candle. stripped you of your clothes and let you dig in. you were very cautious, the frosting was sticky. eventually you started tearing in, but didn't take a bite. the frosting tasted good, but then you wouldn't eat the cake. after a few bites, you'd had enough and threw the cake on the floor.
Clean up time! grandma monson cleaned you up and you ran around in circles for a good twenty minutes. what a show off you were! you got worn out, and of course the no nap came into play. everyone said their goodbye's and left.
TUB TIME! you had a good tub, got ready for bed. bottle. night night. you were so sleepy.
Twenty minutes later. SCREAMS from upstairs. you threw up again!
What a way to end your first birthday!
you sure are a special girl! you're always making us laugh! i wish i knew what you were thinking all the time! you never stop moving unless you're sleepy, and even then you don't want to stop!
you're still afraid of the vacuum, love climbing and playing on the stairs, love bananas, blueberries, pancakes, peas, milk, ice cream, and bread. you're sweet, give loves and kisses. are quite well behaved, except for the occasional tantrum. sleep awesome at night and take way better naps than ever before! love books! p.s. i made her cute quiet book and will have to post pics on it....you're going to be jealous! that's all i can think of now! but you'll always be our baby girl!