September 15, 2008

Calling All Moms...

I've decided to poll the audience to find out what baby stuff is absolutely necessary to buy before the baby comes...I mean like can't live without it, a total must have! Since I've never had a kid before I thought that all you more knowledgeable moms would be able to tell me the latest and greatest must haves in motherhood! So Please leave a comment for this clueless mom-to-be! Thanks!

p.s...Could you include brand names also, like I said, totally clueless! And any good literature on babies???


Trisha said...

Oh Gads. All I can say is don't buy too much before you have this kiddo:) You'll have plenty of time to run and get _____ when it seems you absolutly need it. That being said, there are things you'll want to get, but don't go overboard on getting the most expensive/nicest thing. It usually makes no difference at all to anything but your wallet...
Parent Hacks is one of my favorite blogs! It's great, that post has comments about what all the parents think are essential... and this link is to the actual list from parent hacks.
It's essentially the cost-effective way to have a baby:)
I do think that you'll want a crib, stroller and car seat, baby wearing thing (sling for early on like hotslings or something and then a Meitai, Ergo Carrier, Maya Wrap for later. I have a baby bjorn. I wouldn't really reccomend it, it's hard on your back and uncomfortable with a heavier baby. Zach does like it though.
You also need a cute bag that will work as a diaper bag. Diaper bags are usually not so cute and over priced. You need diapers ( is my favorite), burp cloths- use cloth diapers for this, trust me. NO diaper pail (it will just reek). The diapers do not stink at first and later just grocery bag them and toss them in the outside garbage. Hmmm, this is getting long! You need a fan or something for white noise, a monitor is nice (go cheap on this though). A baby bathtub is great for the first two-three months but you don't really bath them all that often at first. I would totally just borrow one of these. A bouncer is good too, I use mine a lot. Naommi NEEDED the swing. James hardly ever uses it. Pack and play with bassinet attachment is great for the first while when you want them near you at night- so much less distance to travel when you are soooo sleepy:) Or a cradle would work too, but a pack and play is a necessity later for travel, naps at Grandma's etc. I would buy a mobile for the crib/pack and play- but something simple and not with annoying music:) Hmmm. bottles. I reccomend Platex drop-ins nursers. They work great if you are nursing-breastfeeding, they don't seem to mess the baby up with that. But other people love other bottles. Wow. I'm sorry this is so long! You'll want a kiddopotomos swaddler thingy- babies r us for that. Pacifiers/binkies. I used the Soothie ones, like the hospital gives you. You can buy them at WalMart too. There are tons of other good ones, just depends what your baby likes!
Ok, if you want more info- I'm sure I have tons to give;) just call me, really- 618-203-6097

Creel Family said...

So, I probably should know a lot about this, but I'm pretty low maitenance as a mom, I guess. Literature, the what to expect books are actually good, I used those. I also read Healthy Sleep Habits for a Healthy Child and it saved my life! Mikey still isn't that great of a sleeper, but it helped 100%. As far as things we absolutely use....those change as your baby gets older. I'm trying to think how Mikey was when he was born. We used a bassinett but we didn't keep Mikey in our room very long, so maybe borrow one of those in case your baby moves into thier room early, too. We love our packnplay because Mikey preferred that to his crib. He actually only slept in his crib for a couple weeks. Regardless, it's really great for trips and play dates at your friends so you don't have to go home for the baby to sleep. Mikey really liked those black, white and red God's creations books. I think you can get them at church stores. I don't know, they were a gift. Anything you can find that will keep the baby happy but you don't have to hold them is awesome. Different babies like different things, so, again, you could borrow the expensive things to see if your baby likes them, and then buy later. Mikey loved his swing, not a bouncer. But both are nice. He loves soft blankets, even today. Baby carriers are nice, don't think the brand matters. We got the stroller and car seat combo by Graco and it worked nicely. We also have a smaller umbrella stroller for short trips now that he's older. The hospital binkis work nicely. We used a noise maker in his room to help him sleep and we put black out on his window so it was dark when he was sleeping. You can get that at a fabric store and you put it on a roller so you can roll it up when they play. We still use that and probably will for a long time. Michael actually wanted some in our room : ) If I think of anything else, I'll let you know. I probably didn't tell you anything you didn't already know. You are going to be a great mom!

Natalie said...

I am Mrs. opiniated mommy, but here are my picks. You have to have a boppy. If you are breastfeeding this will help a ton, and if you are bottle-feeding it will still be handy. Then the baby can use it when they are learning to sit up, and it's also nice to just let the baby lie in it so he/she can see what's going on. The best bottles are the playtes nursers, because they have the disposable insert, so they are SO easy to clean!!!! If you are breastfeeding you need a medela double electric pump. I have the pump-in-style and it's great. Also if you are breastfeeding you need a mommy cover. Check out
You want to invest in a really nice stroller, because you'll use it a ton. My favorite is the Phil and Teds, because it's a single stroller (can be used as a jogger), but you can add a doubles kit to it in case you have more than one kiddo. It's expensive, but maybe it could be a group baby shower gift of something :) A pack-n-play is nice to have (Graco is the brand). And you also have to have a swing. I like the baby papisan swing at Target- I think it's Graco too. On other thing we love is the Bumbo chair. You can also get this at Target, and it lets baby sit up as early as like 3 months, and it could double as a high chair. Also, don't spend lots of money on baby furniture (changing tables, etc...) becuase they grow out of them so fast! I seriously never even use my changing table. If I think of anything else I'll let you know. Good luck!

Katy said...

I think those last comments pretty much covered it.:)

As Lovers Go said...

Boppy nursing pillow!!!! I take it everywhere and Sean likes to use it to hold her.

Tara said...

Holy crap! Sorry if mine is just repeats of what all those say but im not about to read them! SORRY! First off, get the book Girlfriends Guide to Pregnancy! Its the funniest book ever. She just tells you all about everything so you know what to expect and its straight up! I DIED laughing the whole time but never freaked out cause i was very well informed.
For sure get a swing for starters. The other cant live without is Mylicon. Its for if they have a tummy ache. Its the greatest thing ever! You can get the target brand, it works the same. Just dont get the western family brand cause for some reason they make it hot pink and so it stains everything!
The best newborn tiny diapers are the pampers swaddlers. We loved those, and we tried them all.
Also, get cloth diapers to use for burp rags. You can sew cute fabric in the middle of them or whatever but they work far better than anything else.
Have lots of onsies and blankets, and the best bottles are the Dr. Browns bottles. THey have these things in the middle that take all the air bubbles out of the bottle so they don't give them gas bubbles. Those are the main things for starting out. If i think of more ill let you know! If you have any questions feel free to ask!

JaCee said...

I didn't read through the comments, so if this was mentioned sorry Brand, but the book "On Becoming Babywise". (Centered on avoiding a "ME" child, sleeping throught the night by 8 weeks, and self pacifying/sleeping/napping) You may have seen it, it's not very big or long, but man it sure worked for me, my sister, and *countless* friends from around here and California.

Everything else get as you need, if it doesn't get given to you before then.... :)

JaCee said...

oh and I meant to mention that you have to implement the concepts in the book from day one basically (the book goes over this) or else it's kind of like missing the window of prime opportunity. Still doable, but much more difficult and painful on the monther's part.

Candice said...

You already know mine...

AQUAPHOR, best thing for diaper rash, dry skin or really anything!

Neisha said...

Buy a pack of diapers whenever you go to the store now. Just a few packs of Newborns - usually babies don't stay in these very long, and some 1's and 2's. It's nice to have them on hand. And it spreads the cost of them over the next few months.

Buy binky's after you leave the hospital, because your baby will most likely get used to the kind that they have there.

Stock up on cloth diapers and recieving blankets and get a Boppy you will need these right from the begining. The best clothes that you will need for your baby at first are nighties that have elastic at the bottom - they are great because you have to change the baby quite often at first.

The best type of stroller is one that will fit your baby carrier into it. There are several brands that are all good. You must have a baby carrier or you can't take your baby home from the hospital.
Later you will want a small umbrella stroller when baby gets bigger.

If you want the baby in your room, it is nice to have a bassinet. A crib seems really big at first. However you won't need it for a very long time, so it is a good idea to borrow one. Unless you are going to have 6 kids, and then it's a good investment.

If you run a fan or cover the windows durring naps and nightime, then your baby will have a hard time falling asleep without them. Then you will have to drag them around with you wherever you go.

Must haves for later:

Crib - mattress, sheets and bumper

Swing - We have one that runs on batteries, and plugs into the wall, so you don't have to replace the batteries very often.

Bouncer - It's nice to have a place to put the baby, but still be able to have them close to you.

Bumbo's are nice, but wait until your baby can hold their head up.

One of those Fisher Price fishy music players that hook to a crib are great. So are the musical pull toys that you can tie to baby's crib, stroller, or playpen.

Also, if you plan on spending time at your mom's houses a portable crib is great. Our's has an attachable bassinet for smaller babies, and then can be removed for when they get bigger.

And last, our favorite book is What To Expect When Your Are Expecting. We learned so very much from it. Also take classes that the hospital offers they are a big help.

I know we don't talk very often, but I am always free to talk about having babies - call me anytime.

P.S. I thought it was funny that all of the other moms comments were so long, and now look at mine. It is hard to just list the things you will need - it seems like an explanation is important.

Shannon and Kevin Mills said...

WOW ... you got lots of advice! All I can say is every baby is different and you'll find what works best for little baby Monson.

Ashlee said...

whoa, im not sure you need anymore advice! i haven't read all the above but just what comes to my mind: i love the pampers swaddlers newborn diapers, at least for boys-i've heard it's different boy vs. girl so we'll have to see what you're having!!! with max we always bought a pack of diapers whenever we went to the store while i was pregnant just to have a stock-it was awesome. you are going to want to LOVE your carseat/carrier, it goes EVERYWHERE with you and your baby will probably be in it for a good amount of time so take your time purchasing this and do your research! i really really loved max's, so much we are using it for hudson too! it is a graco pedic something? memory foam so it's SO soft and comfy for baby, we got it at stork landing, but it's personal so just look around a lot before you buy! that's just what comes to my mind at the moment, hope it helps!!

Lindsey said...

The one thing I couldn't do without is the book "Baby Wise". I saw that Jacee mentioned it too. This book is great! It teaches them how to put themselves to sleep. Once you've conquered that naptimes and bedtimes are so easy!!!

Theurer Clan said...

Whoa, what's left? I second the Medela Pump in Style. Every mom needs a pump, even if you're not working. They help get your milk supply in at the beginning, they help you not get engorged, and they allow daddy to give feedings, and they allow you to go out without your babe every once in awhile. The Medela is the best and worth EVERY PENNY!!! Just have your mom get it for you! They also have really cute bags that the pump in style comes with. Baby Wise is really good for literature, I personally used The Baby Whisperer and Liddy is honestly going from 8ish to 6ish sleeping already and she's only 5 weeks old. The advice in this book is phenomenal and you can totally just borrow mine if you want. I can bring it down to you at Thanksgiving or something if you want. The trick like Jacee said with these books is implementing the strategy a.s.a.p. You'll want to read before baby comes. I loved the binkies they gave at the hospital. They don't leave those horrible suction marks on their little faces. You're only supposed to let them use that particular nipple for a couple of months though because of jaw development. Then switch to Nuby brand. I loved having a binky in the hospital too because you feel so clueless and dumb if you can't soothe your baby in front of the nurses, so a binky is nice. They have never interfered with my babys' ability to nurse either. They handled the transition just fine. I like the Avent bottles. They help with air control so your baby doesn't get gassy and burpy. Hello, you have to have the Mylicon drops. Lifesavers times 1,000! However, never buy the name brand. Get Western Family brand drops.( I have never had these drops stain a thing. They can turn things pink if you don't help the baby drink it up and keep it in, but it washes right out. No problem.) They are like 8 bucks cheaper a bottle and do great. They are called Simethicone drops or something like that. Anyway, they are right next to the Mylicon drops. You'll see them. I actually had my mom buy me some at Maceys for Liddy because they don't sell the cheap brand here in Idaho. I never had a regular stroller. I found them a waste of money since I wanted a jogging stroller. My recommendation is to buy a good jogger and just have good head supports in it until the baby is bigger. My lays back so my baby is laying on her back. It's fabulous. They are great at the mall too and so much easier to push. I hate regular strollers. My favorite thing for baths is these little bear sponges at Wal-Mart. They're like 5$ and you just lay them in the regular bathtub and then lay the baby on the big sponge. It is so comfy and soaks up the warm water and keeps the baby warm. That way you have both hands free too to work with the baby. We just buy a new one every month or so. Liddy and Tana have absolutely loved those little bears. For swaddling at sleep times, I recommend buying a big piece of thin fleece material that you love and making it into a cute blankie by tying the edges or something or just simply snipping them. Fleece is great for swaddling because the fibers catch on each other and hold tightly. Thus making it harder for baby to wiggle their little hands out and wake themselves up. Hallelujah! Anyway, blah, blah, blah! So much advice. Basically DO WHAT WORKS FOR YOU! Good luck.

As Lovers Go said...

I just thought about something else! I love my diaper genie!!! And I have to second the medela pump in style, they are about $250 but SO worth it!!!!!!!!!!!1

Kera said...

sigh here goes :) I will tell you my FAVS . . .

-Medela Advanced Breast Pump (this thing will save your life and dating life)
-Go right now to Bed Bath & Beyond and get their white noise maker. Its small and makes good sounds. Plus its only 20-25$... Some of them out there are 100.
-the book On Becoming Baby Wise. EVERYONE who has actually practiced what this book preaches, swears by it and gets a good nights sleep.

Kera said...

oh, our friends got this video monitor for their baby, so when its sleeping they hooked it up to the flat screen and could watch or check on their baby during commercial breaks :) I will be getting one of these babies for sure. How many times did I wake my daughter up because I was being a worried parent and going in there all the time to make sure she was still breathing :) they got theirs on amazon for a great deal. .. just an idea.