May 3, 2009

since you've been gone....

charly's changed quite a bit! she's growing so big and so we've taken some pictures to document her new skills and hobbies!she can wear cute skirts and play with her toys!
she loves her keys!i don't know why this is sideways, but she can sit up by herself for a short time....but that's all she wants to do is sit up! but slowly....
she gets slumpy....
and slumpier until she's almost a little ball!
we also found a new toy! welcome sulley to the monson family! thank you kellogs!and she loves to suck on her's so entertaining and so slimey!

and last but certainly not least she's got the longest, curliest, most beautiful lashes that mom has ever seen! wow! all the gals will be jealous of you someday! and i swear they are longer every morning! (click to zoom in)

So here you go grandparents....seems like you've been gone for ages! i guess I would be too if I were here.....see ya soon!


Lindsey said...

Charly is adorable and I love those skirts and dresses. I can't wait until my little girl will fit into them too!

Neisha said...

She is so cute! I love the pics of her slowly rolling forward.

Natalie said...

She actually looks kind-of ticked off that you're making her sit up! I love how chubby she is getting!

Kera said...

she's so dang cute.