November 23, 2009

9 MONTHS....

it seems weird to think that as long as charly grew in my belly, she's been out of my belly! i think i say it every post...but they grow up way too fast!Monday Nov. 16th, 2009
9 months
18 lbs. 7 oz. - 50%
28 1/2 in. - 80%

Wow so charly grew 5 inches long in three months! i knew she was getting bigger but...holy cow that is a lot! She got one of her top teeth that day, finally! And today a week later she got the other! it has been a long couple of months dealing with teeth and seperation anxiety at night! but thank heavens the past two nights have been awesome, she's slept all night in her own bed, yay!
things to remember...
* shakes her head no
*claps her hands when you say clap
*plays peek-a-boo
*knows what a puppy says and goes and gets her stuffed animal puppy when you say woof
*gabs a bunch
*loves going under things and climbing over things
*stands by herself when she's not paying attention
*can't hold still!!!

I think that's about it! She just keeps getting more fun and more busy! But we love having her and watching her grow!

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