March 5, 2010

quiet book, cutting teeth, curls, check-ups & a contest...

i know i promised to show off the ADORABLE quiet book i made for Charly's 1st birthday. i have to give credit to the incredibly talented SHELLEY WALLACE who has a store on etsy, where i bought the template to make this quiet book. unfortunately, Charly still doesn't know how to do most of things that this book teaches, she will learn, and eventually enjoy completing each task instead of eating all the pieces!


Unbutton the SNOWFLAKE & Put your hand in the MITTEN

Tie a bow on the SKATE & Count the MARSHMALLOWS in the HOT COCOA

Build a SNOWMAN & Find all his PARTS

even though this book was a slight pain, i enjoyed the project. now i'm wanting to make her alphabet book. 26 pages, maybe i'm crazy, but it would give me something to do!

i didn't know that getting teeth would be one of the most awful parts of my babies first life. she now has TEN, yes i said 10 teeth! and she's working on cutting two more. teeth make charly not want to eat or sleep. medicine acts as a slight band aid, but doesn't completely take away the pain! her top molars came in two weeks ago, and now her bottom molars are so close. her poor gums are way swollen! sorry baby!

recently after doing Charly's hair, or after getting her out of the tub. i find a perfect curly-q at her neck. some might say it looks like the infamous rat tails boys used to sport way back when. i think it looks adorable! is the rest of her hair curly you ask, no. but i hope this curl stays!
Charly's one year check-up was last Thursday and she's very heathly and doing well! She had 5 shots and a toe prick! talk about a rough day! she wouldn't let me bend her legs if i carried her, she would lay flat like i was carrying a board! poor girl! here are her stats...(6 shiney band aids in all)
Height: 29 1/2 in. - 70%
Weight: 20 lbs. 5.5 oz. - 50%
Head: don't know - 60%

now if you've made it this far down the post you must be a devoted reader of my blog, or i suppose you could just be bored out of your mind! doesn't matter, you made it! as many of you know i've picked up photography as my hobby. i've been practicing quite a bit on family. i would not say i'm perfect, i've got a lot to learn. so i'm opening up the opportunity to have your child's photos taken for free so i can practice more. i'll be giving away two free photo sessions, preferably outdoors, unless it's a little one. in the next few months we'll schedule the sessions. so you must have kids now or about to pop one out soon! i'll take the photos, edit about 30 photos and give you a copy of the cd for prints. the more kids you have, the less photos of each kid there will be. and we could squeeze in some family portraits as well. excited? here's what you've got to do...
*leave a comment on this post saying you'd like in on my drawing.
*you can only comment once, unless you'd like to comment for someone else who you think needs this.
*i'll pick two winners, (unless there's like a buttload of people who enter, i may pick more) fairly by drawing from a hat!
*the contest ends on Sunday at 6:00pm.
*you have to live in Utah or be here sometime to have them taken.
*good luck and thanks for letting me practice on you!


Lisa said...

Yeah, Fallon and I are the first to leave a comment. We need pictures of your gorgeous girl cousins and Jake.

Brian and Kristy said...

I want to nominate Heather. You know who I'm talking about ;) She's going to have a new one real soon and I think she definitely deserves having some cute photos of Baby Ashton and Carson together! Thanks Brandy!

Heather said...

I LOVE MY SISTER!!!! she is the BEST!!!! I would LOVE you to take pictures of my kids when Ashton gets here!!! and I also want to nominate Kristy you can never have to many pictures!!!!:)

Charee B Mcclellan said...

I love your book, WOW you are amazing...i love doing things like that. BUT that had to have taken you FOREVER! you are awesome...i need some of your awesomeness. My mother in law always takes my kids pictures, but i LOVE what you i am entering into your contest. ohh and i hate teething...once i got one kid done with it..i had another. ugh AHHHHH and i love charly's curl. SOOO CUTE.

jon and whit said...

your pictures are awesome! elle's 1st birthday is coming up!! i would love a photo sesh!

Kera said...

can i win the book :) ha ha. that thing is awesome. the alphabet book is an awesome idea.

10 freakin teeth. you have got to be kidding me with that. reese is 11 months old and her tooth total is (0).

Court and Brade said...

love the book brandy!!! so cute... and stuff like that takes a long time, so good job!!! :) more patient than me! and yep, coop just got his first tooth, 2 days before turning 11 months... i can't believe she has a mouth full!! add us to your drawing :) coop is cute to take pictures of :)

Natalie said...

Fun quiet book! I love how it turned out. I started one for Ivy when she was about 1, and I hated how it turned out, so it's been in my "craft bin" ever since waiting to be finished! Oh well :)