January 3, 2011

Christmas 2010...

The Christmas we will never forget....oh wait I swear I said that about last years! This year was way different though. We were looking forward to having a small Christmas morning with just our little family. We knew it would be different but were excited about this new family tradition. So after getting everything pretty much ready, we woke up the Monday before Christmas to a flooded basement. Yes, it was a super awesome early Christmas present. Since that was where we were going to spend our Christmas, we had to make many adjustments, and somehow it just didn't really feel like Christmas at all this year!
Christmas morning we woke up early and went up to the Roberts' to do presents, and luckily santa found us there! My whole family was there and so it was still a very fun Christmas. Charly didn't care about opening presents after she had scored a kitchen to cook at, a very cute set of table and chairs, and of course her Jessie doll! We pretty much had to bribe her to open up the rest. But we were all very blessed with awesome family and friends this year who helped us a ton and who were very giving this year!
In between presents and dinner, we went over to the Monson's for presents and were yet again spoiled! Took naps, got ready for the day, and then went back to my parents for a delicious prime rib dinner! YUM! All in all it was a very good day full of FAMILY which is all that really matters!

more catch up posts below!

Yes, normally i would lists all our gifts for my record right here...but i don't even think i can remember what we got and i'm too lazy! Plus i think Charly's up from her nap and I missed my shower! Oh well, what can ya do!


Charee B Mcclellan said...

YAY!! I love all of these posts and I LOVE all of the pictures. Sorry you missed your shower while char was asleep, but heck..we are more important anyways..right??? haaa haa..I know that it was a crazy Christmas for you..but sounds like you got totally spoiled and had a great time. I am glad!

Heather said...

That really sucks your basement flooded. Charly is getting so BIG she is so CUTE!!! i can't believe you are almost done being prego!!! Im so EXCITED to see your baby boy he is going to be so CUTE!!! do you guys know what you are naming him?

Trav and Amanda said...

What a fun Christmas! I love Charly's kitchen!

JaCee said...

oh basements...! Dang. Funny what plans can get changed :) Hope you got it fixed semi-painlessly. Charly is extremely precious!

Ashlee said...

Hey Brandy I haven't checked your blog in a long time and your little Charly just grew up so dang fast HOLY COW!! She is oh so adorable! I also have to say that you are theeee cutest little pregnant girl ever, lucky :)