August 6, 2011's what fun is...

Charly's first ride at Lagoon, with cousin Angela! Drive that boat. She was so sad I couldn't go with her she wanted to get out, but then I got her to stay if Angela came aboard. Then she wasn't afraid of anything!

The Helicopters. So brave to go all by herself!

Waiting for the cars

At the end of the cars ride. Charly didn't want to be done, so when the lady got her out, she ran to go get in another car! Too funny!

Her favorite ride, the AIRPLANES! She was so cute, still couldn't figure out how to make it fly up and down though!

Somehow we talked her into going on puffs dragon, or whatever it's called. Let's just say she screamed the whole time with her head down!

Then I think she was so traumatized by the dragon rid that she would not go on the carousel. I went by myself :(

Such good sports riding in the stroller almost all day!

Just before we went home! All of us worn out!   
The funny thing is that Corey and I went on two whole rides together, Bombora and The White Roller Coaster. Bombora was too quick, however, the white never ever ever disappoints! After that Corey felt nautious, so we couldn't go on anymore rides! My how things change once you become parents! Thanks Monson's for inviting us along, it will be such a memorable trip!

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