September 23, 2008


To all you moms out there who offered your wise and experienced advice to me! It was awesome to finally feel like I had some answers, however, I do still feel slightly overwhelmed about the things to buy but have decided that it's not a huge deal! It will come eventually and I'll be able to decide what's most important and what I like! But a super thanks to those of you who recommended literature for me! I just got Baby Wise tonight and started reading it...what an awesome book so far! After everything I've learned in my child development and education classes in conjuction with this book, it all makes so much sense! I know that implementing the actual techniques might be difficult but I'm vowing to do it! Wish me luck...and don't worry I'm also going to read The Baby Whisperer, And the Girlfriends Guide to Pregnancy, and possibly What to Expect When You're Expecting too, which were also recommended, it's just one book at a time for right now! So once again a much deserved thanks goes to YOU!


As Lovers Go said...

I haven't read babywise, actually the only baby book I read was "what to expect" but I did read that a critique of Babywise was that it was quick to suggest formula instead of breastfeeding. The thing I read just said that it's best to implement the babywise technique after you have established breastfeedng. Remember I didn't read it though so take that for what it's worth. I think I should have read more but after 8 weeks I let her cry herself to sleep for a week and she learned how to put herself to sleep. Bedtime is no problem now and setting a routine is best. Also I think it's important to know that babies shouldn't really sleep for more than 5-6 hr stretches before they are 12 pounds.....ok ok I'm done. I need to see a belly pic!!!!

Anonymous said...

I am in such a quandary as to how you managed to turn out, without the baby whisper in conjuction with all of the other literature that I didn't read or implement when you were a baby. Hmmmmm

Brian and Kristy said...

My favorite book has been the Girlfriend's Guide To Pregnancy. It was great because its stuff that you usually don't hear about from other people. Stuff that certainly happens. I hear you on the overwhelming part. Its hard to know exactly what to buy and what you need but I've been told you can never have too much. I'm so excited for you guys!

Neisha said...

You will figure it all out and be a great mom. No matter how much advice you get - and first time moms get tons - you just have to remember to do what works for you. Don't stress! No mom or baby is exactly the same. Good Luck

P.S. I have to tell you that I get teary eyed whenever I think about you having a baby. I can't beleive it. It might just be my hormonal imballance, but I do. It's so exciting.

Katy said...

Good luck with all your reading! It's good to educate yourself as best as you can before the baby comes and then let your motherly instincts do the rest after he/she is born:)

Shannon and Kevin Mills said...

Ya I was totally into the baby wise ... its a lot harder to actually do, but the main thing it teaches is a routine pattern ... eat,wake,sleep. you have to be flexible ... Hailey starting sleeping 10 hours at night from 10 weeks! but we're still working on the regular naps ... so it worked for the night time sleeping!

JaCee said...

i thought of another thing that is important to me - the car seat. some of them you can't adjust while they are actually in the base all strapped up, or if the baby is even just sitting in it. i didn't have one, but i would avoid that kind, they can be a pain with how much you are in & out, in out, jacket on one minute, then off the next. i'm sure there's more than one brand that has the single strap tightening on the front, but we use the chicco brand and really really love it. (plus is has a leveler built right in so you get the correct angle for safety purposes) yet just a thought... :)

JaCee said...

so i just got done taking apart & cleaning out bailey's carseat (the chicco) since we just bought her a toddler carseat this week. as i was going through everything more features stuck out to me on the carseat that i loved...
- storage compartment built into the base (great for binkis, treats, wipes...)
- the canopy detatches completely from the back to shade in the front if needed
- the base has a self raising system; again for getting the right angle
- doesn't need a seatbelt clip to put in a car without the base

these are just things i found handy, obviously you don't *need* them, but they were nice, and i'm definately not switching for #2:)