January 8, 2009

Moms to the rescue again....

I need help packing for the hospital...what should I bring?


Katy said...

I would bring a robe, warm socks, your own pillow, bathroom necessities, and clothes for you and baby to go home in. I packed movies, magazines, and all these things to entertain Chris and I because everyone said I was going to be in labor forever since I was induced. But as you know I didn't need any of them so you can bring some of those things if you want. Yeah!! Only 40 days to go.

Candice said...

A nice soft blanket for the baby! They love to snuggle!

Tasha said...

So, when I had Ryan I packed like I was going on a road trip for weeks! I barely even used half of what I brought!! We put the car seat in before we even went up, that was helpful because it was one less thing to worry about! Your own PJ's for sure! And I took up my own binki's because I liked a certain kind! Once they get the hospital one....they're hooked!!(at least mine were!) It seems like they had everything else up there, but it's been a while for me!!

As Lovers Go said...

shampoo and soap! Heather told me that one! LAPTOP they have internet access!

Brad and Lezlee Strong said...

Robe, nursing bra, binkies, (bring lots to see which one your baby likes)socks or slippers, hair tie for the labor part, bathroom stuff/makeup, something to wear home that's comfortable, cap stick, candy to suck or gum to deal with pain or boredom and some magazines if you're getting an epidural and movies! If I think of anything else I let you know! I am so excited for you!

Brad and Lezlee Strong said...

Oh yes and for the baby a cozy outfit for the way home, car seat, and snuggle blanket for sure!

Court and Brade said...

good post! I can't wait to read everything that everyone says... thanks for preparing me for the hospital :)You are getting WAY close! YAY!

Creel Family said...

I'm sure you've seen all the lists and I'm sure people are saying all the things you should bring, but I"ll comment anyway. I enjoyed popsicles, you'll probably be starving but that's the only food you're allowed to eat. You may want to watch a movie or two, depending on how long. Which leads me to the next one. There's tons of lists for stuff to bring for the mom and baby, and nothing for the husband. Have Corey bring something to keep him busy if it's taking a while and you fall asleep or something. We were in the hospital for 20 hours before Mikey came and I tried to sleep for part of it and Michael had nothing to do. Hope this helps!

As Lovers Go said...

They have LOTS of popsicles at the hosp in logan AND tell Corey about the "Dad Room" Sean ate cookies, and candy and there is a pop fountain. I was mad because I couldn't have any of it. Stupid epidural. He'd come in periodically with oreos stuffed in his face haha

Natalie said...

LOTS and lots of socks and slippers. The hospital floors are so gross, I changed my socks if they even touched the floor. Not to freak you out :) Some of your own old undies (The ones in the hospital are these weird disposable ones). And cute jammies. All of the books tell you not to because they'll just get dirty, which they will, but you'll feel so much better if you have something cute and comfy to wear.

Ashlee said...

everyone pretty much summed it up i think, but remember of course the camera-extra batteries/charger, video camera, etc. to document this amazing moment in your lives! i agree, make sure to pack stuff for corey, snacks, cell phone charger, pajamas to sleepover with you, and teach him how to post on your BLOG so we can all have up to the minute details:) i am so so excited for you, can't wait to see her!!

Tara said...

I would take some yummy lotion, makeup, cozy big sweats and slippers. oh, and cute hair things for when your hair is pulled up. I wouldn't worry about snacks cause you never know what will sound good. I didn't want anything I took. I didn't have an appetite. And when you think of something that sounds good to eat, someone will go get it for you. I can't believe you are 6 weeks away!!! Crazy!! Good luck.

Heather said...

So exciting!!!!I have already told you what you should bring :) less is better...because you end up going home with so MUCH STUFF!!! And when have your baby make sure Corey brings in her car seat so it doesn't get so cold....Thats what happened to us and it took for ever to get the car seat all warm for Carson...yeah you want it to be nice and warm for them to come home in!!! YEAH WE ARE SO EXCITED FOR YOU GUYS!!!!

Lisa said...

Lots of great advice. while in delivery you'll wear the hospital gown, but you do need warm socks for your feet they will get cold (I don't know why). But I think you can wear your own stuff after the baby comes-nothing to nice (you might get blood on it- sorry that sounds gross, but true) and your only in the hospital 1 or 2 nights. Don't forget baby charlie's cute take home outfit and extra blankets. Great advice above about bringing in the car seat to warm up. Have fun!

Trisha said...

I would bring some reading stuff and movies or something for after your baby is born. But you'll probably have lots of visitors and Corey there too though. Everyone got all the stuff you could ever possibly need for labor and stuff.
-Try to get some rest at the hospital if you can, you'll appreciate it later:) Good Luck!

Natalie said...

About a month to go! Yahoo! I'm so excited for you!

Trav and Amanda said...

I'm not a mom to the rescue - but I do want to say woo hoo!!! I'm so excited for you - almost there. I hate to say it but you've actually started to get big! I think I'm finally convinced there's a baby in you! Good Luck!

Clint and Karley Root said...

i took sweats, makeup, toothbrush and car seat, cute outfit for cam and a cute blanky for her. Because you are practically naked for a while under the gown! and so much is going on. I never got bored! but the lip gloss was a must, because you take lots of pictures and lipgloss helps a ton!!

Kera said...

less is more. bring the essentials...
-snacks for Brady
-Jolly Ranchers, they tasted so good to suck on during labor
-I brought some travel sized shampoo, body wash and luffa.
-lap top for DVD's
-flip flops for walking around or slippers