January 18, 2009

One Month and Counting...

That's right, I've hit EIGHT months! In reality I wish that I had just hit the nine month mark because I'm so sick of this pregnancy thing! But you never know, maybe she'll come just a little bit early...the doc says that I'm allowed to go into labor anytime now...except next week because he's out of town! Even though I know it won't happen...a girl can always wish it will...right? So here's my new body pic and a peak at the cute baby quilt my mom and I made last week!

8 Months
I don't think I can get any bigger!

We picked fun flannel prints with a super soft fuzzy backing!
And a close up shot of course...


Trav and Amanda said...

So cute. I love the quilt. I really hope I look as cute as you do when I'm prego.

Tasha said...

I don't know what you're talking about...you look great!! This month is going to go by so fast! It will seem like 1 week and you'll be on your way home with the addition to the Monson clan!!The quilt is adorable! By the way...did you see that I lost the hair votes?!? I'm kinda glad though, she looks so cute!!

Ashlee said...

you look darling brandy! enjoy your last few weeks out in the world:) go to movies, dinner, etc. cuz it'll be a while til u feel like doing that after the babe is here!

Theurer Clan said...

Oh the last month! It's wonderful and horrible all jumbled together! I am so excited! I can't wait to meet this beautiful doll that's on her way! You are so darling pregnant, maybe you'll go over your due date just cause you look soooo cute!

Brad and Lezlee Strong said...

You are the cutest thing EVER! You are beautiful and I can't believe you have one month to go! I am so excited for you!! I hope you just hold and hold and hold that baby girl for as long as you can because they grow up so fast! You are going to be the cutest mom Brandy!! YEAH!

Katy said...

You are looking very cute! I hope you get to go early as well. What if we had them on the same day!! That would be cool. As long as it's not Friday the 13th, right:)

Heather said...

You look so CUTE!!! that is so crazy that you are going to have you baby soon!!! WOW that just seems like it went so fast....maybe not for you :)I am so excited for you guys its going to be so much fun have her here....your life is going to change so much...for the better :)!!!! So I need to come over to your house or you come here and teach me how to do this blogging stuff!!! I tried to download a free trial of photo shop and it didn't work....so yeah I need your help :)!!!!!! Your awesome!! call me when there is a good time!!!

Court and Brade said...

You're looking great... but I'm sure you're getting ucomfortable! LOVE the quilt, very cute choice of fabrics! :) Good luck, I hope she comes a few weeks early!

M said...

You look great, Brandy! Oh that last month is the worst. I hope you have her soon. I love the darling quilt!

rigbyspot said...

wow I wish I looked that good at that point in my pregnancy! Good luck!

Candice said...

Well Kati's baby made it!! Your next!! :)

Lindsey Smith said...

You look great, i really mean it so cute. Only one month to go, you can do it. Delivering Jack was the best day of my life so far, I LOVED it. Don't be scared, it's the best!

Natalie said...

Are you still pregnant? hehehe just checking! I'm getting so excited for you! Are you ready?