November 8, 2007

where do kids come up with this stuff....

A quick at school we were telling the kids about a change (as in coins) war going on at school next week. The kids are totally excited about being able to bring money to school and compete with other classes! Well after the teacher finished telling them that they can't bring money without their parents permission because they MUST know about it girls goes, "Yeah, and um teacher after we put the money in the jars we'll have to wash our hands because money is really dirty!" Dude your do you know this? I love the randomness of 1st made me laugh uncontrollably...totally happens when you least expect it! Gotta go watch Greys...catch ya later!


Natalie said...

Smart kid- he must have a germophobe mom! Not that that's a bad thing :)

Katy said...

I be my kids will say things like that. p.s. i love that you love Rod Stewart:)

Katy said...

I mean bet not be

Ashlee said...

My mom tells me storys like that all the time. You need to go do your school teaching stuff in my moms class. She has a blast. She teaches 1st grade.

Hallie said...

Cute Blog guys! I love it! and yea kids are so funny, in my primary class one of the boys leaned over while we were talking about the Apostle Peter and said "He's pretty much like Superman." It was pretty hard to keep from laughing!

Katy said...

Um,Brandy where's the new post?:)