December 31, 2008

Christmas 2008...

We had such a great Christmas this year that we spent at the lake with my family! We were so spoiled by everyone and just got to relax and eat yummy food all weekend!

Christmas Eve
First we opened gifts early at Corey's parents while everyone was there. Since we were all spending Christmas in other places. Then we packed up our stuff and headed to the lake!
We had our usual crab boil and it was so yummy! We also snacked on some delicious hors' devours! And I was in charge of getting us through the night, so we played Monopoly! I hadn't played it forever and so it was more fun than usual! Not to mention that I ended up winning...I think for the first time in my life...the next morning!
I was posing like the Grinch, and Corey didn't want anything to do with me!
Just chillin'!

Group shot by the tree...I look like a whale!

Christmas Morning
We got up bright and early at 6:00 am because of me! I had some excitement issues and had really been up since like 4:00, the baby wouldn't stop moving, I kept having to pee, my brother called at 5:00 and then there was just no hope for me to fall back to sleep!

We're checking out our stockings and admiring our new pocket knives. Mine was cute!
In the middle of opening gifts!

And there's Corey opening the last present under the tree! I couldn't get off the couch because there were too many boxes and garbage all over the floor! I know that this will be boring for you, just skip it, but now I must record what we got, so that I don't forget!

Corey's gifts: Snowboard, .17 hmr bull barrel gun, running shoes, workout gear, ipod arm band, thermal tees, button up shirts, pj's, hoody, pocket knife, some movies, money & gift cards.
Brandy's gifts: Ugg boots, thermal tees, three sets of pj's (you can never have enough), diamond earings, a snowflake necklace, disney movies, a sweater & boots that match, other jewelries, perfume, a pocket knife, maternity pants and tops, and gift cards.
Baby's gifts: She got a her own sock filled with toys, socks, onesies, lotions and wash cloths.
Together: Santa gave us a camcorder to record all the special moments we'll be having this year, a tripod, bag and light for it also, money for a pack 'n play, and a deep fryer!
I'm hoping I didn't forget anything, but a big thanks to both of our families for spoiling us to death! I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas!


Tasha said...

So I don't know if you noticed...but you and Corey always match when you stand in front of a Christmas tree!!haha It looks like you guys had so much fun! It would be so fun to be able to escape for a little while! Happy New Year!!


Heather said...

You guys did get spoiled, that's good!!!!:) Well it looks like you guys had lots of FUN!!!! I love the posing heheheh!!!! and you look so CUTE pregnant!!!! Happy New Years!!!

Theurer Clan said...

You look sooooo cute! I love your belly! I'm so glad you have a camcorder. We didn't get ours until Tana was 1 month and I think we missed some special times. Oh I can't wait for this baby! Sorry I missed the shower. It looked so fun!

jon and whit said...

you look so dang cute! merry christmas!! we got a camcorder too! i'm so excited :) you're getting so close!!! can't wait to see her!